Image of AERONET sun photometer

AERONET Federated Calibration Facilities
Calibration Tracking and Operational Databases

Calibration Status Site Information

  • GSFC - GSFC calibration log
  • Lille - PHOTONS (France) calibration log
  • RIMA - RIMA (Spain) calibration log
  • NEON - NEON calibration log
  • CARSNET - CARSNET calibration log
  • APAC - APAC calibration log
  • Sphere Dashboard - Track sphere calibrations
  • Traveling Master (Sphere) - Track the location and progress of the traveling master instrument for sphere calibrations

  • Contact List (Site Manager, Principal Investigators, and others)
  • Image Database - Information used to create site photo/description web page
Instrument Information Equipment

Additional Network Components

Maritime Aerosol Network (Microtops Instruments) SolRad-Net (Flux Sensors)
  • Contact List (Site Manager, Principal Investigators, and others)
  • Image Database - Information used to create site photo/description web page
  • Flux Data Block - Log of problems encountered while flux instruments are in the field
  • Flux Data Allow - Flux instruments to display on the web (applies to UV-A and UV-B sensors). are in the field
  • Master Instrument List - Current list of flux sensor master instruments used in demonstrat and on the web



Technical Contact: Andres Santamaria-Artigas
Curators: Ilya Slutsker and Petar Grigorov
AERONET PIs: Pawan Gupta and Elena Lind

Last Updated: 24 April 2024

UMD Web Accessibility